
Temple Fork Outfitters, BVK Series

The TFO, BVK has been in competition with the best 8 weight rods in the global market since its inception. In strict and unbiased reviews such as the Yellowstone Angler Shootout Series it has strongly held a top ranking in performance against the evolving fast action 8 weight fly rod brands such as Scott, G.Loomis, Sage, Orvis, Hardy, and St. Croix.


We’ve followed the Yellowstone Angers Shootouts for years and we looked at them as one resource when selecting rod blanks for our shop. We picked the BVK for our line up primarily because of the opportunity it presented to a rod maker; High performance, low craftsmanship, and a fair price. Let us point out a few facts from this year’s shootout that will demonstrate why a CUSTOM made BVK is one of the best rods anyone could own.


First the Results from the Yellowstone Angler 8 Weight Shootout 2016:



Other worthy notes from the Yellowstone Angler Shootout 2016 article:


Our Preference: We include the BVK in our lineup of personal rods that we use in fresh and saltwater fishing. This consistent high performer in a 6, 7, or 8 weight makes an excellent sight casting tool from a boat or if wade fishing. Double hauling, fast line speed, and bigger than average flies are no problem. This is probably the best all-around rod blank we’ve experienced, and built to our standards it could be the best rod you own for a lot less than others inferior to it.